Code of Conduct


Nashville MTA Customer Code Of Conduct Summary

  1. Loitering is prohibited.
  2. Smoking, electronic smokeless devices and chewing tobacco products are prohibited.
  3. No alcoholic beverages or open containers.
  4. No unauthorized weapons, flammable liquids or explosive materials.
  5. No private business sales allowed without express written consent of Nashville MTA management.
  6. Riding of bicycles and skateboards is prohibited at MCC, including facility waiting room areas.
  7. Interference with Nashville MTA vehicle operations or property is prohibited.
  8. Non-service animals are not allowed on Nashville MTA property or vehicles unless in approved transfer cage.
  9. Disorderly conduct is prohibited.
  10. No sleeping, camping or storing of personal property on Nashville MTA property.

The Nashville Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) is committed to the security and safety of the traveling public and its transit employees. Therefore, this Nashville MTA Customer Code of Conduct has been established and adopted by the Nashville MTA Board of Directors.

A complete list of our rules and regulations is available on our website or from Customer Care. All local, state and federal laws will be enforced at this facility, including the Metropolitan Government’s ordinance on panhandling and aggressive panhandling.

This policy applies to all Nashville MTA buses, bus stops and headquarters.

The Nashville MTA Code of Conduct, Item Number TCA-16-001, was approved by the Nashville MTA Board of Directors on June 22, 2017. A complete copy of the Code of Conduct is printed on the inside of this brochure.

Nashville MTA Code of Conduct

RTA Customer Code Of Conduct Summary

  1. Loitering is prohibited at RTA train and bus stops. All persons shall have a ticket or pass in their possession to board the train or express bus. All persons utilizing an employment or school pass must present the pass to an RTA employee for positive identification.
  2. Smoking and the use of any electronic smokeless device or chewing tobacco products is not allowed on RTA vehicles or on RTA property except in designated areas.
  3. Individuals may not possess any unauthorized weapon, flammable liquid, explosive material or other dangerous substance in any RTA vehicle or on RTA property.
  4. No private business sales of any type may be conducted at any RTA train or bus stop, on RTA vehicles, or at any RTA facilities or properties, including but not limited to the display or set up of any food, clothing or other sales of materials or products without the express written consent of the RTA.
  5. The use of seats as footstools is prohibited on all RTA vehicles. All personal belongings must be kept out of the aisles and off the passenger seats. Carry-on items (such as backpacks, luggage, etc.) must be stored under the seats or on luggage racks.
  6. Individuals shall not interfere in any way with the RTA train or bus operations. Individuals must cooperate with any RTA official or security officer.
  7. Animals are not allowed in any RTA vehicle or RTA property unless they are in an approved animal transfer cage, with the exception of service animals.
  8. Disorderly conduct will not be tolerated; this may include but is not limited to the following: using profane or offensive language, loud music, chanting or singing, racial slurs or displaying racist or gang-related behaviors, pushing others or “breaking the line” to gain access to any RTA vehicle or treating passengers or the vehicle operator without courtesy. Taking pictures of passengers without their permission is prohibited. Shirt, shoes and pants must be worn; sagging pants that expose underwear are prohibited.
  9. Loitering, sleeping, camping or storing personal property on benches, floors or grounds of any RTA property is prohibited. Riding skateboards is prohibited on RTA property. Parking is not allowed at Riverfront Station unless approved by RTA.

RTA Code of Conduct
